why i am getting a breast explant tomorrow

Published on 13 November 2023 at 14:04


as most of you know, i am having surgery tomorrow.


i will be removing the toxic bags that i have had under my chest muscles for the past fifteen years, along with a bilateral capsulectomy, in standard english terms, breast implant removal with the removal of the capsular scar tissue around the implants. the body will create thick scar tissue around the implants after they are put in, to protect itself from the foreign invaders. this scar tissue is called the "capsule" and it holds a lot of the toxins that the implants micro leak or leak (and yes all implants micro leak). not only that but this protective layer that the body builds to so desperately protect itself, encases the plastic bag and will also hold many of the heavy metals, along with the more than 40 other ingredients found in breast implants.


when having implant removal surgery you defiantly want to remove the capsules as well. the surgeon that is doing my surgery did not even ask if i wanted this done, and so i thought that it was going to be included in the price because it was mentioned in my surgery description packet. after paying and waiting for my surgery date something just told me to call the office and ask them if the capsulectomy was included, and just like my gut instincts were telling me, it was not. so i had to pay thousands more and reschedule my surgery to the following week. to me, it is so worth it, and if i hadn't had that money in savings, i would have postponed the surgery and rescheduled it when i did have it. the capsules must come out in my opinion. now you will find others that will tell you it is not necessary, and like i was told, it will make your breasts sag and collapse more after the implant removal. my response? "that is perfectly fine with me!" . i am not getting them removed because of beauty reasons, and i know that skin will become how it should when the body is given the proper terrain. so i am actually looking forward to watching them bounce back and look even better than they did when i was in my 20's after a couple of years because i am aging backwards with how i treat my body now!  


this is a decision that i made strictly for my health and the love of my body. as an advanced detoxification specialist i now know how breast implants will never allow the body to fully heal and repair itself as long as it has toxic bags in it. you can detox the body all you want but it will not be able to fully rejuvenate while it is constantly in a state of defense against chemicals, toxins, and foreign objects; causing an autoimmune response, and for so many women, many more symptoms of breast implant illness. some symptoms of breast implant illness also know as BII are as listed below. 


Signs & Symptoms: 


fatigue or chronic fatigue

cognitive dysfunction (brain fog, difficulty concentrating, word retrieval, memory loss)

muscle aches, pain, and weakness

joint pain and soreness

hair loss

dry skin, eyes, mouth, hair

weight gain or weight loss

easy bruising and slow healing of wounds

temperature intolerance

low libido

ringing in the ears

heart palpitations

shortness of breath

metallic taste in the mouth

oral thrush (white tongue)

night sweats

skin rashes


estrogen/progesterone imbalance, diminishing hormones, or early menopause

swollen and tender lymph nodes in the breast area, underarms, throat, neck, or groin

tingling or numbness in the arms and legs

burning pain around the chest wall or breasts

cold and discolored hands and feet

foul body odor

muscle twitching




frequent urination

chronic neck and back pain


nail changes (cracking, splitting, slow growth, etc.)

skin freckling, pigmentation changes (darkening or white spots), or an increase in papules (flesh-colored raised bumps)

edema (swelling) around the eyes

premature aging

decline in vision or vision disturbances

slow muscle recovery after activity

liver and kidney dysfunction

gastrointestinal and digestive issues

sudden food intolerances and allergies

smell or chemical sensitivities

new or persistent infections – viral, bacterial, and/or fungal (candida)

recurring sinus, yeast, and UTI infections

throat clearing, cough, difficult swallowing, choking feeling

chronic inflammation

feeling like you are dying

headaches, dizziness, and migraines

mood swings, emotional instability

anxiety, panic attacks

suicidal thoughts


hypo/hyper thyroid symptoms

hypo/hyper adrenal symptoms

symptoms or diagnosis of fibromyalgia

symptoms or diagnosis of Lyme

symptoms or diagnosis of EBV or other viral reactivation

symptoms or diagnosis of dysautonomia

symptoms or diagnosis of mast cell activation disorder (MCAS)

common autoimmune symptoms or diagnoses: rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Sjörgen’s syndrome, Raynaud’s syndrome, Graves disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease.

    breast implants commonly affect the following systems:

    * metabolic (fatigue)

    * neurological (cognitive dysfunction)

    * endocrine (thyroid, adrenal, sex hormones, ADH)

    * immune (viral, fungal, bacterial infections, and formation of autoantibodies)

    * digestive & gastrointestinal (dysbiosis, leaky gut, malabsorption, food intolerances)



    if you have symptoms of breast implant illness, please report them all to the FDA through the MedWatch Online Voluntary Reporting Form.


    i myself have many of these symptoms such as brain fog, difficulty concentrating, word retrieval, memory loss, and was also diagnosed with hashimoto's disease. i have healed myself enough to get off of the medication for it, but know that my body is constantly fighting. i also have, pigmentation changes, an increase in papules, tingling or numbness in the arms and legs, hair loss, heart pains sometimes, leaky gut, candida issues, started having breathing problems after they were put in, malabsorption, and i have had severe vertigo problems since having them as well. the vertigo problems have virtually gone away since i become fruit based, but sometimes it will creep up on me for a few seconds and then be gone. i now know for a fact that the vertigo is due to the implants because i have been tested for every other reason for the past 14 years. for 14 years i have been suffering with vertigo so horrible that i would not be able to walk or open my eyes due to the feeling that the room was spinning out of control and taking me down with it. sheer hell. 


    if you have breast implants, i really hope that you consider having them and the capsules removed. you and your health are so worth it. 


     please checkout m youtube video on the subject  here 

    and subscribe to my new youtube channel so you won't miss anything! 






    Add comment


    a year ago

    Wowww this article is so helpful & informative. I’m sharing with someone who was literally telling me about getting hers removed. Thank you also for the link to report issues with the implants! You are so transparent and honest! I absolutely love you and your heart to help othersβœ¨πŸ’žπŸ’ Praying for your full & speedy recovery πŸ™πŸΌβœ¨πŸ’πŸ’ž

    a year ago

    thank you so much tonya, and i am so glad that you can help your friend by sharing this post.

    please tell her that it is so worth it. honestly i haven't even taken any painkillers. i am hurting but it is tolerable for the most part, and i am already experiencing relief by not feeling them moving against my rib cage every time i breath; it really is just amazing and i cannot wait to see what is next to come! thank you for your comment and thank you so much for stopping by!