this is my first blog entry and i feel that it is a must that the first entry should be that of my healing journey and where it started; so here it goes.
my journey to health started 18 years ago when i was diagnosed with "hashimoto's thyroiditis" (aka "hashimoto's disease", which is an "autoimmune disease"). after months of countless tests, sleepless nights and endless pricks and drawing of blood to find out "what was wrong with me". during those months i was told that i had rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or possibly "much worse". i was then put on a pharmaceutical that replaces the hormones that your thyroid makes, and was told i would never be able to stop taking or i would die.
all of this started my downward spiral into big pharma land, and it just kept getting worse and worse; yet i was doing everything that the "specialists" medical doctors told me to do. i was even getting injections of corticosteroids under my kneecaps every two to three weeks for pain.
after some time i was referred to a psychiatrist who "helps people that can't sleep", "has racing thoughts", "anxiety", "PTSD", and "depression" as i did. i was put on more pharmaceuticals. two different, very strong sleeping pills were alternated every month to make sure i slept, with an extremely high dose of another pharmaceutical that is supposed to "balance the levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain"; all to be washed down every night 5 minutes prior to bedtime with a hefty antidepressant; "one to make me fall asleep, the other to keep me asleep" as i was told. they were more like a cocktail of horse tranquilizers.
i felt so horrible every morning when i woke up to homeschool my 3 children. i was grouchy with them because i couldn't wake up easily and that made me feel even more depressed. i didn't feel like i was me anymore, even though i was fighting so hard to be.
when i told the psychiatrist this, what did she do? she gave me even more drugs to help with my "anxiety" and "depression". one to slow down my brain activity to "help me feel more relaxed" with a lesser dose of the dopamine and serotonin "balancers" all to be taken together 4 times a day. while still taking all of my regular dosages of the other drugs at night. i started sleep walking and sleep eating; once i even scolded my children for eating and ruining a beautiful cake that i had made the day before; only to find out to my horror that i had walked into the dining room and started eating it with my bare hands that night, on yet another sleep walking mishap, and my children saw everything.
i knew then that enough was enough and that i has to do something to get off of all of the drugs that were being pushed down my throat and changing who i was. i managed to wean myself off of all of them; except the one for my thyroid because i thought that i would have no other choice to but to take it for the rest of my life.
in 2012 i underwent a major life changing event that reshaped our whole family dynamic and put me under tremendous stress. i started to not be able to breathe a little more each day, until finally it got so bad that i had to call an ambulance in the beginning of 2013.
when i got to the hospital i was told that my body was attacking my lungs and that i needed to be put on ventilator or i would not make it, that my lungs "needed a rest"; the hospital staff then told me that i would be put to sleep for just ten minutes and would wake up and have the machine breathing for me, and that i would "feel so much better".
i was in a coma for almost 5 months, and on total life support. my mother was told that if i ever did wake up, that i would most likely have brain damage. when i woke up i had bed sores all oved my body, and could not even move my legs or arms, my muscles had become so deteriorated, i had to learn how to walk again, and have physical therapy to do so. finally, after what felt like months, i got to go home with the aid of a walker to see my child that i missed so much.
over the years, i had more life changing events occur that have shaped me into who i have become today.
i was a single mother for 7 years and had many challenges as well; then i met the amazing man who i am married to now and finally have a partner who encourages and supports me.
two years after we were married, my mother was diagnosed with "end stage renal failure" and put on dialysis 3 times a week. we moved her in with us and i began to be my mother's caretaker.
being her caretaker opened my eyes even more to how corrupt the industrial medical complex corporations are. not only was it breaking my heart to watch my mother go through the torture that she was having to endure, but it took a heavy toll on my physical and mental well-being also. it was very hard to see my mother and best friend losing her body and capabilities; though i was so honored that she trusted and chose me to care for her.
i began to stress eat. i would just go to the refrigerator and grab handfuls of shredded cheese to plow into my mouth in between everything i was doing. i would eat huge amounts of rice and curry every lunch time and evening to sooth myself.
i gained 50 pounds in less than a year, and i kept piling it on. my mother passed away at the end of that year as well, and i know that if i had the knowledge then that i have today, she would be here now, living in sunny florida with us, healthy and off of dialysis.
during this same timeframe, i was told that i had "vitamin b12 and vitamin d deficiencies", and started having to take a weekly dose of a vitamin d capsule in very concentrated form, the same exact tablet that my (at the time) 69 year old mother was taking. i also starting having to inject vitamin b12 into my stomach weekly because my body would not absorb anything from the b12 tablets that i paid a fortune for. i was a meat eater then, so i know the "deficiencies" were not from living off of a vegan diet.
the medical doctors told me that the "deficiencies" were simply "hereditary issues" just like they told me that the "extremely high blood pressure" i suffered with for many years was, too. i was also having a lot of brain fog and had very little energy; health-wise, everything was spiraling downward for me yet again.
one year later, I went vegan for the animals and my husband and daughter followed shortly after, and we have never looked back.
in 2021, even though i was vegan and living what i considered then, a fairly healthy lifestyle i was told that i also now have severe "carpal tunnel", "tennis elbow", and "tendinitis" in both arms.
at the same time i was diagnosed by a podiatry practitioner with severe "plantar fasciitis" "tendinitis", and "falling arches" in both feet. i was starting to have a "specialist" for everything again! i could hardly hold a kitchen utensil to cook with... and once again i was on corticosteroids shots for pain, but this time in each wrist.
the "plantar fasciitis" was so painful that it hurt to walk; even taking simple steps from the living room to the kitchen was excruciating. i honestly thought that i would never be able to go hiking or on long beautiful walks again.
i wore huge braces on each arm morning and night and was placed in orthopedic shoes. just when i thought it couldn't get any worse i was given an eye glasses prescription for trifocals and told "it was normal for my age" and that "it's amazing that i made it this long without them"; what gibberish.
6 months later i met a woman who told me that she used to have pains similar to mine and they all went away simply by living a raw vegan lifestyle, and mainly eating fruit. Not only that, but that she had been in bifocals before and now her vision was perfect! i decided right then and there that this had to be worth a try.
i went full fruitarian. within 3 days almost every single ounce of pain in my body was gone, it was simply amazing! within 2 weeks my "hereditary high blood pressure" was gone. i had more energy than i knew what to do with, i started working out and going on long walks again. within 2 months i was walking barefooted again, something that i was told would not ever happen again because of my "falling arches", within 5 months my eyesight was restored to perfect vision, and i do not need glasses anymore. i effortlessly lost 45 pounds, and do not suffer from not being able to sweat good anymore, or from my sweat burning my skin; nor do i get sunburned. now i am 100 percent medication free, even from the thyroid medication i was told i would have to take for the rest of my life.
after experiencing all of these amazing changes for myself and witnessing the same for others, i knew that this is what i needed to do! i am now an alumni of the famous doctor robert morse school: The International School of Healing Arts and Sciences, and i guide families, children couples, and adults through the journey of rejuvenating themselves (i also specialize in detox and herbal protocols for pet companions too) and i am a director of fruitful purpose.
i am on a mission
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